Family and friends filled The Broadmoor World Arena and joined on May 18 to celebrate the Class of ‘24 from Lewis-Palmer High School. The ceremony marked the first of two graduations for District 38 that day and honored 294 graduates.
Principal Bridget O’Connor welcomed graduates and guests by sharing thoughts from one of her favorite books, “Hidden Potential,” by Adam Grant. “Grant identifies characteristics that help people reach high levels of success. One characteristic, in particular, instantly made me think of this class and our journey together–All you have accomplished over the last four years, what we have grown through together and what we hope for your future. And the secret is: to embrace imperfection,” said O’Connor. “This may sound counterintuitive, especially at a graduation ceremony.”
“[Perfectionists] obsess about details that don’t matter. They lack the discipline to find the right problems to solve. As you embark on your next journey, let the little things go. Spend your time, energy, and passion on aspirations that give life to you and others,” O’Connor shared. “Rather than perfection, being a Ranger means aspiring to high personal standards and working toward excellence.”
Student speakers added powerful words of wisdom and encouragement for their fellow classmates.
“Being grounded in our way will make it possible for any of us to reach the top of any mountain that comes in our path,” said Lily Poteet, student body president. “Lewis-Palmer Class of 2024: Be purposeful, be intentional, and oh, the places you will go.”
Salutatorian Braeden Turner reminded his peers about the importance of caring for oneself, “I have dedicated most of these past few years to advocating for mental health awareness. Yet, as I became more and more engrossed in my school work, I felt I embodied the ideas of positive mental health less and less … if you find yourself falling down that rabbit hole endlessly absorbing yourself in work, while neglecting the health of yourself and those closest to you, please stop. Have the heart to reach out to the hearts of others, and you will find a reward far more rewarding than the one you are currently chasing.”
Valedictorian Michaela Edelbach thanked the arena full of special guests. “Without the inexhaustible support of our parents and teachers, we would not be the same people we are now. Our parents have constantly been there to offer us encouragement and often pave our road to success. Our teachers have provided us with every tool necessary to reach our goals. On behalf of the Class of 2024, thank you parents and teachers for your invaluable support.”
Congratulations to the LPHS Class of ’24! District 38 wishes all of our graduates the best in life’s next adventure.</