Curriculum and Instruction
We believe our highest priority is learning and achievement. We have the responsibility, in our community, to prepare students to become happy, healthy, compassionate, and productive adults. We will accomplish this through 21st Century Learning, Data-Driven Decision-Making, and Continuous Growth and Improvement.
21st Century Learning
Design rigorous and relevant learning opportunities for all stakeholders
Build student's skills with regard to critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, character, and citizenship
Promote teachers as guides and partners in learning
Promote parents as partners in the learning process
Data-Driven Decision-Making
Define the curriculum outcomes that constitute what is guaranteed and consistent throughout the District
Create and establish challenging goals and effective feedback through the use of formative and summative data
Continuous Growth and Improvement
Support the District Altitude Framework and Professional Learning Community model that includes personalized learning opportunities and use of collaboration tools
Learning and Achievement: High Yield Instructional Practices, Standards driven curriculum alignment and revision, Data usage to inform instruction, Purposeful technology integration, and Multiple pathways to graduation
Collaborative Engagement: Effective relationships, Continuous and Dynamic Communication, Partners in Learning, and Capacity building
Long-Range Planning: Meaningful professional learning, Effective, efficient processes and systems, Forward thinking decision-making, and Frequent and focused feedback
For More Information
Campbell, Maurie
Learning Services
Data Analyst
District Administration
Email Maurie Campbell
(719) 785-4206
Whetstine, Amber
Assistant Superintendent
District Administration
Email Amber Whetstine
(719) 785-4207