Home School Enrichment Academy

Kindergarten - 12th Grade

The Lewis-Palmer School District 38 Home School Enrichment Academy (HSEA) is a program designed to support families of homeschooled students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Children in grades K-5 receive a full array of enrichment activities including Music, Art, PE, Drama, and other exploratory activities. Students in grades 6-12 can choose from several elective offerings in those subjects and more.

The Lewis-Palmer Home School Enrichment Academy is offered at no cost to enrolled families. This is made possible by educational funds received from the state of Colorado. Due to this fact, students enrolling in HSEA are required to attend for the full day and may not be dually enrolled in other programs or schools that also receive state education funds. While HSEA offers homeschooled students a connection to the public school setting, we are not staffed to offer a full array of education services (including special education services).