Ready, Set, Off to Kindergarten

Transitioning to kindergarten is an exciting time in a young child's early learning years. As a parent, you play a crucial role in this transition. It's about helping your child adjust to a new environment, fostering independence, and nurturing social and emotional growth. There are many questions and new learning opportunities for you and your child. Your active involvement is key.
Educators and parents know that a smooth transition to Kindergarten is essential to a child's academic experience. Our Early Childhood Education department has provided a list of activities you and your child can do together to help them transition into Kindergarten.
Please explore our kindergarten guide below to learn more about supporting your child’s transition to Kindergarten in the Lewis-Palmer School District. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. D38 is here to provide you with all the support and resources you need. If you need additional information or have questions, please contact Dr. Melissa Gibson-Steiner at