Before and After Care

Leading Edge Before & After School is the service provider for before and after care for all of D38's five elementary schools, with options for before-school care, after-school care and full day care.
Both D38 and Leading Edge are committed to providing a safe environment where kids can flourish and grow. Teaching methods and labs are aligned with D38 practices, and you can learn more about the academics offered by Leading Edge on their Information for Families page.
Before and After School Care
Before and After School Child Care serves children in grades K-6 with an opportunity to grow and develop outside of their normal school day by participating in activities and adventures that are kid-centric and fun. The staff creates a safe and encouraging environment while promoting positive self-esteem and image, life skills, teamwork, leadership, creativity, and educational support.
Enrollment Info
Visit the Leading Edge website to enroll.
Location Info
To learn more about each Elementary School see our options below.