Safety and Security Announcements
Safety and Security Update
Lewis-Palmer School District utilizes SRP (Standard Response Protocol). Faculty and staff receive training and participate in practice drills numerous times a year. Staff also talks with students about procedures used in any drill or potential real events. Each school implements monthly drills so that students and staff can practice a variety of incident responses. These practices allow us the opportunity to evaluate and improve our procedures often.
LPSD also works with all local law enforcement agencies, training with them and receiving recommendations. We also train our schools on "when in doubt" procedures which allows teachers and students to self-evacuate if they believe that is the safest decision.
LPSD continually works to make sure our district is the safest possible. In early February 2018, LPSD Chief of Safety and Security Dennis Coates met with Dr. David Benke of the i love u guys foundation. Benke is the now-retired teacher who risked his life in order to save students by tackling the shooter during the Deer Creek Middle School shooting.
School safety is an everyday job, and every day LPSD is aware of the precious lives we house. We take this responsibility seriously.
Further details regarding LPSD safety procedures are available here.

Safety and Security Preparedness Goals
The LPSD Safety and Security Preparedness Plan encompasses goals in three areas:
Student and staff well-being.
Physical buildings and equipment
Preparedness and crisis communications
Online Form to Submit Safety Concerns
We have an online form that parents, staff, and students can use to inform the district of potential safety and security concerns. Safety Concern Form.
Text Messaging
Sign up to receive text message alerts from Lewis-Palmer School District. Please note: the previous "flash alert" system is no longer used.
Parents and Guardians sign up through myCampus/Infinite Campus
Staff and Community Members: Sign Up Here