Social Media Guidelines

Lewis-Palmer School District 38 invites our community to connect with us on social media platforms. We manage profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to help our community stay informed about district news, events, and resources.

We value community engagement and use social media as a two-way communication tool, however, the platforms are not meant to serve as a public forum to cover all topics.

We moderate the sharing of information and online discussions on district platforms, and we reserve the right to remove comments that contain:

  • Profane or explicit language

  • Threats or harassment

  • Discrimination toward any group

  • Disregard for privacy

  • Offensive or provoking content

  • Commercial content including spam, external links, or website addresses

  • Off-topic discussions

  • Promotion of illegal activity or violence

  • Endorsement of services, products, or political organizations

  • Copyright or trademark infringement

  • Misleading/false information

We intend for our district and school social media pages to be safe and family-friendly, and ask all participants to keep comments consistent with our guidelines. If any comments are removed, we invite you to restate your thoughts in a different way.

Note that the opinions expressed on district social media platforms do not necessarily reflect those of Lewis-Palmer School District 38 or our Board of Education.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the
D38 Communications Team.