Enrollment Information
Student Enrollment - Information and forms for enrolling your student for school, including preschool.
Choice Enrollment - Policies and applications for attending a school other than your neighborhood school.
Foreign Exchange Students - Policies and information related to hosting foreign exchange students.
High School Equivalency Testing - Information on computer-based testing, contacts, and testing locations from the Colorado Department of Education.
Home Schooling - Requirements for establishing a home-based education for your child.
Interstate Compact Information
The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children created legislation to ease school-to-school transfers for military children. The intent of the Compact is to minimize the disruption in education when a military child is forced to move as a result of a transfer or deployment. Tap here to learn more.
Alternative Education in D38
Lewis-Palmer School District 38 is dedicated to enhancing student learning by offering opportunities for our secondary students (grades 7-12) that are supervised by licensed educators but extend beyond the traditional model in terms of location, delivery method, and scheduling. The district offers a variety of alternative instruction courses, including supplemental online courses, independent study and work-based learning. Please explore the sections below to learn more or visit the district’s catalog of courses using alternative instruction that most closely pertains to the grade levels of interest.