students pose outside in front of pines trees at  the top of a hill

The fall season kicks off a wonderful time of year in LPSD. There are multiple opportunities throughout the district to raise funds for D38 schools and give back to the community.

Throughout the month of October, all D38 schools, including the district administration building and additional departments, participate in the Harvest of Love food drive to support Tri-Lakes Cares (TLC). Students and staff are heavily involved in these efforts in collecting as much food and donations as possible to fill the food pantry at Tri-Lakes Cares.

TLC supports the community in many impactful ways, including assistance with weekly groceries, budget counseling, SNAP benefits, mental health counseling, car repairs, holiday meals, employment searches, and so much more. Of the 17,000 lbs of food gathered by LPSD, many local families were able to enjoy a warm Thanksgiving meal this holiday season. There were also just over $10,000 in donations collected from LPSD.

D38 Schools and Departments

Donation Totals ($)

Food Totals (lbs)

Ray Kilmer Elementary


806 lbs

Prairie Winds Elementary


1649 lbs

Bear Creek Elementary


1613 lbs

Lewis-Palmer Elementary


2412 lbs

Palmer Lake Elementary


446 lbs

Lewis-Palmer Middle School


1595 lbs

Palmer Ridge High School


1065 lbs

Lewis-Palmer High School


507 lbs

Monument Academy West


5249 lbs

Monument Academy East


691 lbs

Home School Enrichment Academy


78 lbs

LPSD Transportation Dept


170 lbs

District Administration Building (Big Red)


79 lbs

D38 schools also work considerably hard throughout each school year to raise funds for their school. Each year, LPSD elementary schools host fun-run fundraisers. Students and staff participate in a run, walk, jog, or obstacle course throughout the day to support their school. Students are also responsible for individual fundraising efforts outside of school.

Each school has its own flair and inventive way of hosting each fundraiser. Lewis-Palmer Elementary School’s race is called the Ninja Run, which is a big obstacle course. There are also small group activities like walking the plank, frisbee tosses, and more. Prairie Winds Elementary hosts a Run for Funds that offers multiple stations for each grade level to participate in a race. This year, PWES received nearly $35,000 in donations!

Palmer Lake Elementary School’s Panther Prowl involves students running around a track through the playground. Students wore their Panther Prowl t-shirts with pride as they ran the track multiple times. Ray Kilmer Elementary School hosted a month-long Raise Craze fundraiser this year. There were student incentives and a fall festival in late October. Lastly, Bear Creek Elementary hosted its Fun Run at the end of October, which involved students of every grade and staff from throughout the school.

Click here to read more about the Kilmer Raise Craze

child running obstacle course on school field

Young children in tie dye shirts running in a line in school gymnasium

school children holding hand made sign that says you can't catch us we are the wolves

Group of children smiling in a field filled with other students and teachers

Large group of children breaking through handmade paper sign

Group of children smiling on school field with other students and teachers in the background

Group of children holding pom poms

Group of children with pom poms running around school track

Group of children running around school track

Groups of children lined up to compete in a field game on school field

Group of children lined up on school field to play a game with a frisbee

Group of kids on field lined up to play a field game

Student on field preparing to run