D38 Elevates Strategic Plan

D38's Strategic Priorities, Vision/Mission and Values
Our Process in Developing Strategic Priority Outcomes:
D38 brought together about 50 leaders from a variety of schools and departments to form Action Teams as part of our strategic planning process. By collaborating, we are ensuring that many different perspectives are included when developing our plan steps and outcomes. Every member of the District Leadership Team has had the opportunity to share thoughts and opinions that directly relate to their specific areas.
Because we value input from parents and our community too, we reached out to the Parent & Community Advisory Committee (PCAC), and we also involved our Board of Education.
Our Action Teams started meeting in Fall 2024, and continue to get together 1–2 times each month to discuss and refine plans for each strategic priority. These plans outline goals and measurable outcomes for a three year period from 2024-2027.
The Elevate 38 Strategic Plan is a document that will guide all of the work in the district and will be revisited regularly to ensure we stay on track and focused on our priorities.