District Overview and Maps

The Lewis-Palmer School District is situated at the north end of El Paso County, north of the United States Air Force Academy. Serving a population of almost 7,000 students, the district encompasses Palmer Lake, Monument, Woodmoor and the northern part of the Black Forest area.
In addition to the core curriculum, all district schools offer programs to meet the unique learning needs of students who qualify for Special Education services, Gifted and Talented services, and for those students who speak languages other than English.
Indicators of student learning, as measured by state and national tests, confirm that District 38 ranks among the highest in the state. Our high school graduation rate is over 95%, and approximately 85% continue on to college.
The district provides bus transportation and a hot lunch program, and school-sponsored athletic programs are available for boys and girls at the middle and high school levels.
Please call (719) 488-4700 or explore our website for additional information.