FInals Week

“Finals Week”:

Important attendance policy for this week: Students must stay the entire class period. They may NOT be called out or excused once class has started and will not be able to leave the classroom until the period is over. 

Based on student and staff feedback, LPHS has worked to develop a Summative Learning (Semester Exam) Schedule that prioritizes and assures the following:

  • All staff will have a meaningful, culminating activity that is appropriate to the course essential learnings (this may be a presentation, project, performance task, essay or exam). 

  • We have modified the schedule to allow for:

    • Balance of course each day

    • Slightly delayed start

    • Academic support time: students are encouraged, but not required, to take advantage of the study and support opportunities offered in each afternoon. 

    • Students are permitted to leave at 11:15 if they prefer and have transportation.

    • School lunches will be available for purchase from 11:20 - noon. 

    • The buses will run as normal. Students will have the opportunity to attend helpful afternoon activities offered to students throughout the week.