Welcome to LPHS Band!
The Lewis-Palmer High School Band is a community driven by excellence, passion, and dedication. We constantly pursue encouraging others and growing as a community. The efforts and commitment of the entire program lead to making the best, most passionate, and most meaningful music we can together.

Upcoming Events...
Date: | Activity: | Location: |
February 25th @ 7pm | Regionals Preview Concert | LPHS Auditorium |
March 6th @ 8am | CBA Regionals Performance - Wind Symphony | CMHS Auditorium |
March 7th @ 2pm | CBA Regionals Performance - Symphonic Band | CVHS Auditorium |
March 8th @ All Day | Solo and Ensemble Festival | CMHS |
March 17th @ 6:30pm | Honors Recital | LPHS Auditorium |
April 3rd-5th | All-State Honor Band | UNC Greeley |
April 21st-22nd | CBA State Festival | CSU Fort Collins |
April 25th @ TBA | UNC Jazz Festival | UNC Greeley |
May 6th @ 5:30pm | Awards Banquet and Pops Concert | LPHS Commons & Auditorium |
The Band Program consists of two concert bands and a Jazz band. Each class meets for an average of 3 hours a week, one 90-minute period every other school day. Throughout the year, each band will perform for the community in the LPHS auditorium, at music conferences across the state, with different opportunities out of the state as well. The band program frequently has clinicians come in to expand the knowledge of the bands even more. Outside of class, the band offers many extracurricular activities, including Pep Band, a student ran band that plays at basketball and football games, pit orchestra in the fall musicals, and the opportunity to audition for Colorado honor bands. The band program run on the connections and friendships made within the program, built on the love for creating music. Every student is encouraged to learn and grow alongside their peers.
The band program also offers popular music studies through a history and guitar courses. The History of Pop and Rock explores the fundamentals of music as well as learning to analyze music spanning multiple decades. Our Beginning and Advanced Guitar Classes teach basic guitar technique, how to practice, songwriting, and performance.
Every avenue in the LPHS band program encourages every student to grow in musicianship, expand leadership skills, build community, and find a place to belong.

About the Director...
Hello! My name is Sam Anderson, I'm the Director of Bands and Popular Music Studies at LPHS! It is my second year here, and I couldn't be more excited to be back sharing my love of music with these exceptional students! I have 12 years of performance experience across a variety of different ensembles. As a clarinetist, I've performed with wind ensembles, chamber groups, symphony orchestras, musical pit orchestras, jazz bands and combos, and rap collectives. I've also performed as a saxophonist in many of these groups as well.
I firmly believe that access to high quality music education for ALL students is paramount in our education system. I feel incredibly lucky to be teaching in a school that offers both band and popular music, reaching all students who love music. My primary goal as an educator is for every student that I teach to become a lifelong learner and lover of music, no matter what they do later in life. To achieve this, students in band will perform exciting concerts in unique settings featuring pieces representing different styles. Similarly, students in any of the popular music courses will become familiar with a diverse array of artists and styles of music.
I am also a proponent of the student-centered music classroom. I love collaborating with students, and am myself a lifelong student of music. In the music room, you will often see students conducting, giving feedback, helping their peers in groups, and giving me suggestions for lessons and performances. This program is by and for the students in every sense.
Below is my contact information. My office hours are 1:18-2:52 every day, and I respond to e-mails during work hours. I'd love to hear from you!
Mr. Anderson
E-mail: sanderson1@lewispalmer.org
Office phone: (719)-757-1485