Poms Dance Team

Dance is recognized as a varsity sport in Colorado. We compete several times a year in dance competitions around the region, including the CHSAA state spirit competition, which represents every high school in our state. Our performance styles include pom, jazz, contemporary, and hip hop. We also perform at Lewis-Palmer sports events (such as football, soccer, and basketball games), assemblies, parades, and summer camp. Most of all, we love being a spirit squad for our LPHS Rangers!

2025-2026 Tryout Information

We have begun our search for a new Head Poms Advisor with the position being submitted for posting. 

Applications will be reviewed as they are received and candidates who are potentially qualified to fill this position will be scheduled to interview. 

Upon selection and clearance of the new advisor, try-out information will be published. If competition can be approved and the new advisor elects to have a summer camp, we will expect try-outs to be concluded by May 15th. This timeline is tentative based on the successful hire of a qualified applicant. Any changes to this timeline will be communicated via this page.

For planning purposes, all 2024-2025 members will need to be sure that their physical has not expired at the time of try-outs. New participants must have all sports registration paperwork and current physicals on file before they can participate in try-outs.