Ranger Advisory Committee (RAC)
About RAC
Would you like to learn more about your student's education?
How does LPHS compare to other schools? What makes us unique? What are our priorities? What are the school's initiatives and activities for educational improvement, and how are these being addressed by LPHS? How does LPHS involve the students and staff in our local community? Do you have questions about the school budget or school policies?
What is the LPHS Ranger Advisory Committee?
Each school year, as required by state law, a group of parents, community representatives, the LPHS Principal and teaching staff representatives form the Ranger Advisory Committee (RAC). RAC provides parents, the community, teaching staff and school administration a forum to monitor and discuss education at LPHS, share ideas, review policies and provide advice to school administration. RAC is an advisory group, not a policy-making committee. Its goal is to provide a forum for continual parent collaboration in order to monitor, enhance and improve the quality of education for our LPHS students.
What is the difference between RAC, DAC, and SAC?
RAC (Ranger Advisory Committee) is the same as SAC (School Advisory Committee). It is Lewis-Palmer High School's SAC; the "Ranger" clarification helps to differentiate it from other School Advisory Committees in our district. D38's DAC (District Advisory Committee) works in conjunction with each school's SAC according to the diagram below, which provides a helpful overview of each of these committees:

For more information, please view Ranger Advisory Committee document to learn more about the purposes of these committees and how they can benefit you.