Ranger Advisory Committee (RAC)
Mission Statement
RAC: The committee who cares about everything to do with your kid's education and the culture of our school. RAC meets quarterly.
Our goal is to submit needed ideas/changes to the District and keep parents informed. It also serves to help fulfill the school's accountability committee requirements, as mandated by state law.
As Outlined by the Colorado Department of Education: The LPHS Ranger Advisory Committee is responsible for (1) making recommendations to their principal concerning priorities for spending school funds, (2) making recommendations concerning the preparation of the school Performance, Improvement, Priority Improvement, or Turnaround plan (whichever is applicable), (3) providing input and recommendations to the DAC and district administration concerning principal development plans and principal evaluations, and (4) meeting at least quarterly to discuss implementation of the school’s plan and other progress pertinent to the school’s accreditation contract with the local school board.
RAC members should also publicize opportunities to serve on the RAC and solicit families to do so, assist in implementing the district family engagement policy at the school, and assist school personnel in increasing family engagement with teachers.
Meeting Dates (Subject to Change):
September 18, 2024
October 9, 2024
November 13, 2024
February 5, 2025- VIRTUAL
March 5, 2025
*Meetings will begin at 4:30 unless otherwise noted.
For More Information:
Tara Ackerman, LPHS Principal Secretary: (719) 488-6186 or Email Tara Ackerman