Soccer - Girls

Soccer match

Our first official CHSAA date is Monday, February 24 from 3:15pm - 5pm in Don Breese Stadium.  

  • Forms, fees, and physicals are due BEFORE coming to training.  Turn them in to Mrs. Thomas in the Athletics Office.  She will issue a ticket that clears your student-athlete. 

  • Physicals can often be done at any Urgent Care facility.

  • Parent Meeting for Thursday, February 27, at 6 pm in the Commons

  • Concussion Testing for all players is Friday, February 28, at 1 pm in the gym.

  • Gear to Return (backpack, parka, home, and away jersey) will be distributed on Friday, February 28, and we would like to have a quick team photo before training.  

  • Gear to Keep (hoodie, sweat pants, two sets of game shorts and two t-shirts, plus training jerseys).  Cost is $275.00 for Varsity players, $200 for JV, $125 for Managers (unless they want a custom jersey with name on the back). Players can bring a check to the parent meeting or on Friday, February 28.

  • Saturday, March 1, we scrimmage at Thomas Jefferson High School in Denver.  JV is at 10am and Varsity is at 12noon.  We are working on details about a bus, more to come on that.

We will know by Wednesday or Thursday if we have enough to field a JV team.   We will speak to any players who this impacts face to face and hopefully offer options. 

Please let me know if you have questions - and be aware that we are not allowed to communicate on Sundays, as per CHSAA rules. We are excited for next week!


Brian Barkey

Speed, agility, quickness - Welcome to the beautiful game. The consummate team sport played in some of the biggest venues in the world.

This is Lady Rangers Soccer!!

Our program has a long-standing tradition of excellence. We pride ourselves on the girl's teamwork and playing ability. Not only have we been successful on the playing field, but also in the classroom. Many of our players have received Academic Scholarships to top level colleges and Service Academies due to their diligence and hard work in the classroom. This reflects a well-rounded program based upon academics and sports.

Throughout the history of the program, there have been several league titles, four-time State Runner-ups (1991, 1998, 2001, 2015) and 4-time State Champions (1993, 1994, 1996, 2016)