Arrival and Departure Procedures
LPHS Student Drop Off/Pick up: Parents should drop off and pick up students using the south (student) parking lot. There are two entrances/exits to this parking lot: the southeast entrance/exit is located closest to the baseball field and the southwest entrance/exit is located closest to the football stadium. Both entrances/exits are accessed via Higby Road.
In order to maintain the best traffic flow, we ask parents to enter the campus using the south/east entrance and follow the access road to the south portion of the building (adjacent to the library) for student drop off and pick up. Exit the campus using the southwest exit onto Higby Road. In an attempt to improve afternoon traffic flow out of the parking lot, the southwest exit onto Higby Road is a right-turn only between 2:30 and 3:30pm. Left turns onto Higby Road in the afternoons should be done using the southeast entrance/exit.
The north parking lot (nearest the YMCA) is reserved for buses dropping off and picking up students. Parents, please refrain from using this parking lot to drop off and pick up students.
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