Building Accountability and Advisory Committee (BAAC)
A BAAC Chairperson and a parent representative are needed. Each school year, as required by state law, a group of parents, community representatives, the LPHS Principal and a teaching staff representative form the LPHS Building Accountability and Advisory Committee (BAAC). BAAC provides parents, the community, teaching staff and school administration a forum to monitor and discuss education at LPHS, share ideas, review policies and provide advice to school administration. BAAC is an advisory group, not a policy-making committee. Its goal is to provide a forum for continual collaboration in order to monitor, enhance and improve the quality of education for our LPHS students. It's easy to get involved, just show up at a meeting! Meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of each month. We alternate between meeting during the day at 1:00 pm, or in the evenings at 6:30 pm. Please go to the BAAC web site for detailed information.
For more information:
Building Accountability and Advisory Committee Co-Chairs, Jeff Fowler: Email Jeff Fowler and Kris Beasley: Email Kris Beasley