Drama Club

Throughout the year, Drama Club is one big, giant family that works together to put on the various theatrical productions that LP produces. Whether you are someone that likes being on stage telling stories with the lights shining down on you, or you prefer being the one who builds the sets or operates the lightboard, Drama Club is a great place to call home for your time here at Lewis-Palmer High School.

Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month at 3 - 4 pm in the auditorium.

Purchase show tickets at the door or for our Spring Musical April 10-12 at www.cur8.com

Audition Packet for Spring 2025 available 2/4 by the Room 102 and the Drama Club Canvas Page.

qr code for audition packet

TLT information

Join us for a free audition camp on 2/13.

Learn the audition dance, work on the audition songs, and monologues.

Next Drama Club Meeting: 2/14, Friday from 3 - 4. Join Troupe 5450 for some games and fun.

What's coming up?

Flyer for The Night of One Acts

Flyer for spongebob

Flyer for IOBE

Drama club values