
Lewis-Palmer Cheer

2025-2026 Tryout Information

Interested in trying out for LPHS Cheer? Tryouts for the 2025-2026 school year are coming up in April!

Pre Tryout Parent Meeting: Tuesday, April 3rd, 2025- Time and location TBA

Tryout Clinics
April 7th- 5:00-9:00pm- Small Gym
April 8th- 5:00-9:00pm- Small Gym
April 9th- 5:00-9:00pm- Small Gym
April 10th- 5:00-9:00pm-Small Gym

April 11th- 4:00-10:00pm- Main Gym

Team Parent Meeting: Thursday, April 17, 2025- Time and location TBA

In order to try out, you are required to have a current physical and athletic registration on file in the LPHS athletic office. Returning LP Cheerleaders or current LP students who played a sport in the 2024-2025 season will only need to make sure their physical is up to date and on file. If you are not currently attending LPHS but enrolled to attend for the 2025-2026 school year please complete the following Paper Registration. Physicals and athletic registrations are due to the LPHS athletic office by 3pm on Friday, April 4th.

Tryout Package Releaseed March 31, 2025

If you have any questions, please contact Coach Jordan Cochran at

For More Information:

or contact us via Email

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