Title 1 and Reading/Math Intervention
The BCES Intervention Team consists of Title I and Reading Intervention teachers. This Team is ready to assist those students who may be in need of additional assistance in some aspect of reading. Groups are formed according to test scores and using classroom teacher input. We meet with your child 5 days a week for 20-30 minutes a day. Groups are flexible - changing as needs/levels of the children change. Time with the interventionists is in addition to instruction your child receives from his/her classroom teacher. Our ultimate goal is to improve your child's reading skills and exit him/her from the program once on-grade-levels are achieved.
Take Home Reading
Your child has been given a bag containing reading materials that will be exchanged every week. The Interventionist/Title I Reading teacher would like you to read and/or do these activities with your child every night and sign in the appropriate part of the green card which should stay in the bag. Classroom teachers will accept this time for their daily reading expectations. Children are financially responsible for these materials so please find a "safe" spot from younger siblings and/or four legged friends!