Author | Title | Level |
Adler, C. | Get Lost, Little Brother | children's fiction |
Aliki | Two of Them | children's storybook |
Anglund, J. | Friend Is Someone Who Likes You | children's storybook |
Armstrong, W.H. | Sounder | teen's fiction |
Beckman, D. | My Own Private Sky | children's fiction |
Bianco, M. | Velveteen Rabbit | children's fiction |
Bohlken, R. | Listening to the Mukies... | children's fiction |
Brown, M. | Arthur's Eyes | children's storybook |
Brown, M. | Arthur's Nose | children's storybook |
Brown, M. | Once a Mouse: A Fable Cut in Wood | children's storybook |
Bruce, D. | Manners I. Care | children's storybook |
Bunting, E. | Clancy's Coat | children's storybook |
Burch, R. | Queenie Peavy | teen's fiction |
Burch, R. | Renfroe's Christmas | children's fiction |
Byars, B. | 18th Emergency | children's fiction |
Byars, B. | Glory Girl | children's fiction |
Byars, B. | Pinballs | children's fiction |
Caines, J. | Daddy | children's storybook |
Carle, E. | Grouchy Ladybug | children's storybook |
Caudill, R. | Pocketful of Cricket | children's storybook |
Church Mice Adrift. Unp. | My Dad Is Really Something | children's storybook |
Cleary, B. | Ramona the Brave | children's fiction |
Clifton, L. | My Friend Jacob | children's storybook |
Coatsworth, E. | Marra's World | children's fiction |
Cohen, M. | Best Friends | children's storybook |
Cohen, M. | So What? | children's storybook |
Conford, E. | Felicia the Critic | children's fiction |
Crofford, E. | Stories from the Blue Road | children's fiction |
Cropsey, S.J. | Tinker's Christmas | children's storybook |
Dana, B. | Zucchini | children's fiction |
Danziger, P. | Cat Ate My Gymsuit | teen's fiction |
Danziger, P. | Pistachio Prescription | teen's fiction |
DeClements, B. | Nothing's Fair in 5th Grade | children's fiction |
DePaola, T. | Andy (That's My Name) | children's storybook |
Duvoisin, R. | Veronica | children's storybook |
Ets, M. | Play With Me | children's storybook |
Fatio, L. | Happy Lion | children's storybook |
Fisher, L. | Rachel Vellars, How Could You? | children's fiction |
Fitzgerald, J. | Me and My Little Brain | children's fiction |
Flournay, V. | Twins Strike Back | children's storybook |
Foe, P. | Portrait of Ivan | children's fiction |
Fox, P. | Stone-faced Boy | children's fiction |
Freeman, D. | Come Again, Pelican | children's storybook |
Gaeddert, L. | Your Former Friend, Matthew | children's fiction |
Garrigue, S. | Between Friends | children's fiction |
Greene, B. | Get On Out of Here, Philip Hall | children's fiction |
Greene, B. | Philip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon | children's fiction |
Greene, C. | I and Sproggy | children's fiction |
Greene, C. | Leo the Lioness | children's fiction |
Greene, C. | Unmaking of Rabbit | children's fiction |
Greenwald, S. | Will the Real Gertrude Hollings . . . | children's fiction |
Griffith, H. | Alex and the Cat | children's storybook |
Haas, D. | Tink in a Tangle | children's fiction |
Hansen, J. | Gift-Giver | children's fiction |
Hautzig, D. | Handsomest Father | children's storybook |
Hoban, Russell | The Little Brute Family | children's storybook |
Hoose, P. & H. | Hey, Little Ant | children's storybook |
Hurwitz, J. | Aldo Applesauce | children's fiction |
Hurwitz, J. | Law of Gravity: A Story | children's fiction |
Hurwitz, J. | Superduper Teddy | children's fiction |
King-Smith, D. | Magnus Powermouse | children's fiction |
Klein, N. | Visiting Pamela | children's storybook |
Konigsburg, E. | Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth | children's fiction |
Krantz, L | Only One You | children's storybook |
Lasker, J. | Nick Joins In | children's storybook |
Lawson, R. | Rabbit Hill | children's fiction |
Levy, J. | Alley Oops | children's storybook |
Lexau, J. | I Hate Red Rover | children's storybook |
Lipsyte, R. | Contender | teen's fiction |
Lobel, A. | Frog and Toad All Year | children's storybook |
Lobel, A. | Frog and Toad Are Friends | children's storybook |
Lobel, A. | Frog and Toad Together | children's storybook |
MacLachlan, P. | Arthur for the Very First Time | children's fiction |
MacLachlan, P. | Cassie Binegar | children's fiction |
Marshall, J. | George and Martha | children's storybook |
Marshall, J. | George and Martha Encore | children's storybook |
Marshall, J. | George and Martha One Fine Day | children's storybook |
Mathis, S. | Hundred Penny Box | children's fiction |
McDonnell, C. | Lucky Charms & Birthday Wishes | children's fiction |
McPhail, D. | Sisters | children's storybook |
Miles, M. | Gertrude's Pocket | children's fiction |
Pascal, F. | Hand-Me-Down Kid | teen's fiction |
Paterson, K. | Jacob Have I Loved | teen's fiction |
Platt, K. | Brogg's Brain | teen's fiction |
Ross, P. | Meet M and M | children's storybook |
Rylant, C. | Miss Maggie | children's storybook |
Selden, G. | Cricket in Times Square | children's fiction |
Sharmat, M. | Bartholomew, the Bossy | children's storybook |
Sharmat, M. | I'm Terrific | children's storybook |
Shyer, M. | Adorable Sunday | teen's fiction |
Smith, A. | The Halloween Misfits | children's storybook |
Smith, A. | The Mischievous Bugs | children's storybook |
Stanek, M. | Growl When You Say R | children's storybook |
Steig, W. | Amos & Boris | children's storybook |
Steig, W. | Caleb & Kate | children's storybook |
Stevenson, J. | Wilfred the Rat | children's storybook |
Stolz, M. | Bully of Barkham Street | children's fiction |
Stolz, M. | Noonday Friends | children's fiction |
Turkle, B. | Thy Friend Obadiah | children's storybook |
Ungerer, T. | Three Robbers | children's storybook |
Walsh, E. | Brunus and the New Bear | children's storybook |
Weiss, N. | Maude and Sally | children's storybook |
Wittman, S. | Special Trade | children's storybook |
Yep, L. | Child of the Owl | teen's fiction |
Yep, L. | Sea Glass | teen's fiction |