Before and After School Enrichment
Bear Creek offers before and after school enrichment and intramural classes throughout the year. The purpose of the enrichment and intramural program is to provide our students with meaningful before and after-school activities. Each session is one hour per week for 6 weeks. The teacher teaching the class will decide the day of the week and the time - before school classes are (7:45-8:45 AM) and after school are (3:50-4:50 PM.)
A flyer will be sent home with each child as classes become available. Details regarding class times/locations, costs and how to register for the classes will be on the flyer and also on the Announcements webpage.
Past classes have included: Game Night, Junior Scientist Academy, Beginning Tap and Ballet, Chess Club, Robotics, Cube Club, Moving Mornings, Gearing Up with Legos, Engineering, and Natural Disasters, Let's Act, Petit Appetit, Rockets, Roller Coaster Physics, Ultimate Frisbee and Volleyball.
For More Information:
Email Janae Griffiths: