calendar keyboard and journal

Minor changes are on the horizon for the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar following a series of input-gathering opportunities, with the goal of seeking approval for the modified calendar in March.

Assistant Superintendent Amber Whetstine said Lewis-Palmer School District 38’s administration sought feedback from the Staff Collaboration Committee (SCC), Parent and Community Advisory Committee (PCAC), a staff and family survey and additional conversations on the topic.

“Without making major changes, such as a four-day school week, we were able to incorporate some of the feedback from the survey and those groups to move in a direction that honors our families and our staff,” Whetstine said.

Notable changes include adding two full-day Professional Learning days for staff, created by condensing and removing the five delayed start days. Additionally, students will not return until January 4 following the winter holiday break, which allows staff an extra work day on January 3.

You can see the proposed calendar changes by tapping this link.

Whetstine said additional feedback will be considered for any final adjustments before the Board of Education considers the calendar for approval on March 20.