Oculus Quest 2: VR in the Library

The LPMS Library is now the proud owner of two brand new Oculus Quest Twos!

If you love VR (Virtual Reality) or know nothing about it, all LPMS students are welcome to swing by the library during Homeroom or after school to immerse themselves in some cool VR landscapes and games.  Before playing, students will want to make sure they have the VR Waiver and Parent Permission Form filled out and returned to the LPMS Library.

Here are just a few of the experiences and games we already have for students at the middle school:

  • Explore the International Space Station (work and play and learn all about the ISS)

  • Take a virtual guided tour and learn all about the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam

  • Immerse yourself in the grasslands of Africa, the rainforests of Borneo, and swim in the ocean while learning about the unique landscapes, animals, and people that call them home.  This program also talks about conservation - so cool!

  • The National Geographic Game takes players to South America and Antarctica, all while "teaching" them to become Nat. Geo. explorers and photographers.

  • Explore the world of rhythm and movement in the action-packer, mega-addicting game, Beat Saber

  • Immerse yourself in a fully playable story with lovable characters and an intriguing plot, through A Fisherman's Tale

Feel free to contact Andrea Weidmann or Angie Brown with any questions about VR experiences here at LPMS!