Multilingual Learners

LPMS English Learner Program

LPSD Serves over 300 English Learner (EL) students district-wide with dedicated classrooms, pullout tutoring help, a summer enrichment program, homework clubs, progress monitoring, parent communication, and advocacy.

EL students' needs are addressed by the Equal Educational Opportunities Act, which sets the standard for a school district's legal obligations to EL students, and is enforced by the Office of Civil Rights.

SB 462-1981, Article 24 of the Colorado Revised Statues specifies the duty of the district to identify, assess, provide programs for, and report progress of EL students to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE).

EL students are assessed annually by the ACCESS (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners) with data collected by CDE.

Contact Information

Melinda Arnold-Thompson

Multilingual Learners
Email Melinda Arnold-Thompson
(719) 757-1431

