LPMS Technology Help: Tutorials for Parents and Students

Common Problems and Solutions

My CANVAS dashboard is too cluttered and I can't find all of my classes.

To solve this problem, make sure your Canvas dashboard is arranged in CARD view and not in LIST view.  List view only shows you items on your to-do list for the day and does not include all of your classes in an easy to access way.  Watch a brief instructional video on making the change.

By setting up your Canvas dashboard for CARD view, you can treat your Canvas dashboard like the hallways at school - where the dashboard itself is the hallway, and the cards for each class are the rooms you need to enter during your class time.

My CANVAS dashboard still doesn't show all of my classes, even in CARD view.

Make sure all of your classes (courses) are highlighted with yellow stars, by clicking on courses and then highlighting the classes (courses) you are currently enrolled in.  If you still do not see all of the courses, click on "all courses" and then highlight classes (courses) from your list.  Watch this video to troubleshoot your problem.

How to check your grades and missing assignments on Infinite Campus.

Once you have logged on to Infinite Campus, you can check your grades by clicking on the "grades" tab in the left-hand global navigation menu.  You can check your missing assignments by clicking on the "assignments" tab and then clicking on the "missing" icon.  This video will walk you through the process of checking your grades and searching for missing assignments on Infinite Campus.

How to organize your Google Drive so it's not a cluttered mess.

Using folders is the best way to organize your Google Drive account to make sure your classwork and assignments are always easy to find.  Having a designated class folder for each of your core classes and elective periods will help ensure that you stay organized and can easily find schoolwork whenever you need to access it electronically.  

This tutorial video will walk you through how to set up class folders on Google Drive and how to re-name documents so that you can easily find what you are looking for.

How to link your Google Drive account to CANVAS in order to easily upload assignments.

From your CANVAS dashboard, click on one of the course (class) cards that you would like to sync to your Google Drive account.  Once on the course (class) Homepage, you will want to click on the icon labeled "GoogleApps" on the upper right corner of the screen.  From the new access screen, you will want to select the "authorize" tab and then log-on to your Google Account using your school email (firstname.lastname@lewispalmer.org) and your school password.

Watch the step-by-step tutorial.