LPMS 1:1 Technology Initiative (School Issued Chromebooks)
Lewis-Palmer Middle School is Currently a 1:1 (Student:Device) School!
During August Processing Days, all students and parents/ guardians will check out a school-issued Chromebook for use both at school and home during the school year.
While using school issued Chromebooks, all students will be expected to:
Carry their device to and from school every day.
Ensure the device is fully charged before school each day.
Follow all teacher directions and rules surrounding the use of devices during the school day.
School/Home Use Agreement Form
School-Issued Chromebook Requests and Questions
All inquiries centered around school issued Chromebooks can be made through the Lewis-Palmer Middle School Library. Students can come in person with any questions about the use of their device, while parents and guardians are welcome to reach out to Angie Brown (abrown@lewispalmer.org) and Andrea Weidmann (aweidmann@lewispalmer.org).