Library Media and Technology

Welcome to the Lewis-Palmer Middle School Library Media Center! 

We're thrilled you found us!

The mission of the Lewis-Palmer Middle School Library Media Center is to create a welcoming space for community and collaboration, promote a school-wide culture of digital and print literacy, and lead through positive example.  Our library teaches students about the past, enriches their present, all in the hopes of helping them prepare for an ever-changing future.

In addition to a massive physical collection (we have over 15,000 titles!), Lewis-Palmer Middle School is also excited to be able to provide all students with access to free digital literacy and learning content.  Come in person to check out a great new read or simply browse the collection.  If you're more interested in reading books digitally, make sure to check out our ever expanding collection of ebooks and audiobooks on Sora too.

Are You Looking for a Book Recommendation?

Reach out to either Mrs. Brown: Email Mrs. Brown

or Mrs. Weidmann: Email Mrs. Weidmann

Follow us on Instagram: @LPMSLMC.

Check out our YouTube Channel: LPMS Library Book Talks for Kids