The History of the Little School House "Pine Grove School"

Image of the Pine Grove Schoolhouse on the Kilmer property. It is white with green trim and a shake shingle roof.

Around 1912, a group of parents, concerned with how far their children were traveling to school, petitioned the state for a joint El Paso/ Douglas County schoolhouse. The school would be located just north of Hwy. 83 on Palmer Divide/ County Line Road. An El Paso County family donated the land and a Douglas County family donated a bunkhouse for the building which was refurbished by the families into Pine Grove School. The school opened full time in the fall of 1913.

Through stock market crashes and epidemics, Pine Grove educated area children for twenty-five years after which it continued to be used for area social events, even weddings. But our weather was not kind to the little building and over the years it became severely decayed and new developments threatened its existence. In June of 1998 it was donated by the landowners to Kilmer Elementary. Thanks to the help and donations of our Kilmer families, Pine Grove was moved and restored to its original appearance where children can still learn within her walls.