Library and Technology

Your access to thousands of books and Technology Information!
Book Check-out Policy
Students in grades PreK-2 are eligible to check-out one book per weekly visit to the Library.
Students in grades 3-6 are eligible to check out 2 books per weekly visit to the library.
All books are available for renewal twice or otherwise approved by the Librarian.
Students will be charged for lost and/or damaged books.
Technology Curriculum
The following are areas in technology that Kilmer uses to prepare our students for the 21st Century:
K-5 - Introduction and continued development in using computers as a tool
Introduction and building of technology vocabulary
Introduction and continued building of keyboarding skills
Introduction and continued use of Microsoft Office Suite (incl. Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, & Excel)
Ongoing practice in the areas of math, writing, organizational skills, research, reference, library, and study skills
Group learning, peer tutoring, and individual presentations
Becky Moulden