Service Animals at Games

Palmer Ridge Families, 

There is an increasing trend of people misrepresenting their regular pets as Service Dogs. This confusion often arises from the misunderstanding between emotional support animals (ESAs) and Service Dogs. While ESAs provide comfort, they do not have the same legal rights as Service Dogs. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a Service Dog is one that is individually trained to perform specific tasks for a person with a disability. Both state and federal laws guarantee the right for individuals with disabilities to be accompanied by their Service Dogs.

Misrepresenting a pet as a Service Dog undermines the people who really need them and the credibility of actual Service Dogs that do not present the misbehaviors that regular pets do. Such behavior can also interfere with the work of genuine Service Dogs. Misrepresenting an animal as a Service Dog is considered a class 2 petty offense under C.R.S. § 18-13-107.7.

 To ensure a suitable environment for all, especially in the gymnasium and district stadium, Lewis Palmer School District 38 asks that spectators leave their pets at home. Attached is a Service Animal Acknowledgment form that should be presented upon arrival with a Service Animal. This form needs to be completed only once. If your animal is not trained to perform specific tasks, we will ask you to return it home.

 Lance McCorkle
Athletic Director and Assistant Principal