Two Science credits are required for graduation. Three Science core credits (two of which are lab-based) are recommended for college-bound students. The Science Department recommends the following courses as the best preparation for college: Earth & Space Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Please note math level required for upper-level sciences. If students choose to accelerate and not take Earth & Space Science, the expectation is that they will take an AP Science course by senior year.
Outdoor Learning Lab
We are opening an Outdoor Learning Lab (OLL). It is being designed as an outdoor classroom to provide observable phenomena while supporting social and emotional wellness, as well as authentic and innovative curricula opportunities with an interdisciplinary approach. It will be developed in the area previously designated as the preschool playground.
To learn more, please follow our progress as we build and develop our outdoor classroom at OLL - Outdoor Learning Lab. Contact Leslie Lantz via Email or Nate Strycker via Email for more information.
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