Bearbotics (District Team)

We are The D38 Bearbotics Robotics Team!

Browse this web page for an overview of the team and activities for the 2024-2025 school year -- for full details, please refer to our main website.

Click here to get on our "I'm Interested in Robotics" list (for students, parents and teachers) so we can follow up with you. We're nice -- we don't bite.

Bearbotics is a high-performance, high-achievement experiential learning program for STEM-focused students. We build custom, high-capability, complex robots -- using the latest design and fabrication tools like CAD, CAM, CNC, 3D printing and Java programming -- and compete with them! We've grown our capabilities and resources to become one of the top programs in the state. Bearbotics is available to all students in grades 9-12 in any school, campus or academy within D38. We meet at the "Bear Cave" at 55 Adams St. in Monument (in the Grace Best campus). Highlights:

We offer 3 programs, 2 of them for high school students:

FRC (#4068): offers maximum challenge and skills building, especially for engineering and related fields. Think of FRC as a combination of a demanding AP class and a highly-competitive varsity sport. This will be "the hardest fun you've ever had". For grades 11-12.

FTC: helps students develop the core robotics skills more quickly. Recommended for all "rookie" students in Bearbotics, especially for grades 9-10, but students in grades 11-12 are welcome too.

The following programs are for middle and elementary students (listed here because many of those students also check this page):

FTC for Middle School: new program for 24-25. Request more info by email.

FLLC for Middle School: got a great start in 23-24! Grades 7-8 welcome. Request more info by email.

FLLC ("FIRST LEGO League") for Elementary School: currently only at Bear Creek. Request more info by email.

Refer to this table for a comparison of the challenge level and time and travel demands between FRC, FTC and FLLC

Although the main focus of Bearbotics is STEM (especially mechanical and electrical engineering and computer science / programming), there's ample opportunity to work on other critical skills too, such as leadership, teamwork, creativity/innovation and communication.

Students from past years point to these benefits for being active in Bearbotics:

  • Opportunity to develop real leadership skills in large competitive teams

  • Working on complex real-world projects and competing against top students from across the US and the World (world-class competition builds stronger skills)

  • Lots of practice strengthening those deep engineering skills and talents that made a difference in college classes

  • Comradery with other students who share interests in STEM and STEAM

Bearbotics students are mentored by active practicing professionals in the engineering and technology fields.

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