Smart Lab
"We live in a world where science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) lay a critical role in every job, every home, and every aspect of advanced learning. The integration of STEM disciplines is critical for all students, not just those who are naturally proficient in math and science.
One of the biggest challenges facing educators today is, 'How do we prepare today's learners for jobs that don't yet exist and which will require proficiency in technologies that haven't been invented.' While we cannot define the specific knowledge or skills that will be required to succeed in a fast paced global economy, it's imperative we equip today's learners with the competencies necessary to adapt and thrive."
What is a Smart Lab?
"In an elementary Smart Lab program, young learners discover a wide range of applied technologies. They engage in authentic first-hand experiences in STEM, building interest and inspiring many to pursue these fields in more depth in the years to come."
Systems of Technology
Alternative and Renewable Energy
Computer Graphics
Digital Communications
Mechanics and Structures
Robotics and Control Technology
Scientific Data and Analysis
Software Engineering