Battle of the Books
Preparation Before Entering 5th Grade
Start reading (or listening) to books from the Battle List the summer before entering 5th grade. Each student will be asked to read at least 10 of the books from the list, but the more each child reads, the better he/she does.
Battle Timeline
Join us on Tuesday, September 12 for an informational meeting during lunch to learn more about Battle of the Books!
If you are interested in joining Battle, you MUST attend this meeting. Please fill out the permission form and return to Mrs. Montero no later than Tuesday, September 19.
Official meetings will begin on Tuesday, September 19.
September/October - Meets once a week at the scheduled battle time to read battle books. We will do a few practice questions each week. Information about times and dates will be given out in the fall. Teams are not entirely self-selected. Students will be guided with the teachers through activities to help them select teams. They are not to decide teams on their own ahead of time as we need to have open spaces for all to participate and feel included in the process.
November/December/January - We will practice battle questions using battle protocol each week at battle practice. Students will continue reading Battle books on their own time. Information will begin coming home in January to parents about the various battles. Students are responsible for keeping themselves "on-track" with reading the books and getting information home about this extra-curricular activity.
February/March/April - Each week we will practice in our assigned teams for the school, district, and regional battles.
School Battle: This usually takes place early in February. Every team is allowed to participate, and we will use it to determine our two final teams which will go to District and Regional Battles.
District Battle: Our top two teams will go to the District Battle for practice; no teams are eliminated at this Battle. We will take an alternate for each team who was chosen from the eliminated teams from our school Battle using a quiz for selection. The alternates are allowed to participate in Battle. This will take place in March.
Pikes Peak Regional Battle: This usually takes place in April at Colorado College. Our two top teams (with alternates) will be participating.
Battle of the Books is an extra-curricular activity, so kids who decide to take on this challenge will be expected to read many of the Battle List books on their own time at home or in school. ALL 5th grade students who want to give Battle a try are encouraged to join us!