Arrival and Departure Procedures
Student safety is our first priority. To that end, we want to ensure our student drop off and pick up procedures are safe and efficient. We realize that dropping off and picking up your child takes time. We are here to facilitate safety, but also have this process be as quick as possible. We need your help in order for that to happen.
Click here to go to the Transportation Department (Bus Safety Tips, Special Needs Transportation, ZPass, etc)
Arrival Procedure
● Students may be dropped off beginning at 8:35 a.m. when staff begin their morning duty.
● Please drop off your children in the drop off line in front of our school on Upper Glenway,
● When dropping off at Upper Glenway, please abide by the following requests:
Pull as far forward as possible - to the white sign past the front door.
Please wait in line. Do not drive along the street and cut in front of vehicles that are unloading their children. This is a HUGE safety issue.
Children must exit their vehicle on the passenger side. Our staff will assist in unloading your child.
Parents, remain inside your vehicle. Parking is not allowed in the drop off zone. Do not leave your car unattended. If you need to exit your vehicle, please park in a designated parking space.
If you need to exit your vehicle, please pull forward past the white sign or park in a designated parking space.
● Our playground is closed in the morning prior to school. Students who exit the bus will go to their designated line and wait for the bell to ring.
Departure Procedure
● When picking up your child, pull as far forward as possible to the white sign. There should be very little room between your car and the car in front of you.
● Staff members will be on duty to assist you.
● Parents, remain inside your vehicle. Parking is not allowed in the pick up zone. Do not leave your car unattended. If you need to exit your vehicle, please park in a designated parking space.