Arrival and Departure Procedures
Student safety is our first priority and we are dedicated to ensuring our student drop off and pick up procedures are efficient and safe. Please follow these guidelines carefully. For courtesy to our community, and for student safety, please do not drop your children off in the surrounding neighborhood.
Click here to go to the Transportation Department (Bus Safety Tips, Special Needs Transportation, ZPass, etc)
Arrival Procedure
Students can be dropped off beginning at 8:40am when teachers and staff begin morning duty.
Staff members will be on duty and will direct you in order to promote safety and efficiency.
Parents are to enter the parking lot and follow the carpool line to the white stripes near the recess fence. This area will be our “Kiss and Go.”
Pull as far forward along the white striped area as possible before stopping your vehicle. There should be very little room between your car and the car in front of you.
Students are to exit their vehicle only on the passenger side.
Parents are to remain inside their cars-please do not leave your car unattended. Parking is not allowed in the drop off/pick up lane. If you need to exit your vehicle, please park in a designated parking space.
Students will proceed to the playground where we have monitors until the first bell rings at 8:50am.
When the first bell rings at 8:50am, students will line up at their designated grade level areas on the playground to enter the building.
Please do not exit through the bus loading area.
Children are not to walk across/through the staff parking lot. Children are to always walk on the sidewalks. After your child exits the car, parents are to angle their car to the left and drive into the PASS THROUGH lane and make room for the cars behind them to access the unloading areas along the white strip lines.
Departure Procedure
When picking up your child pull as far forward along the curb as possible along the west side of the building before stopping your vehicle. There should be very little room between your car and the car in front of you.
Staff members will be on duty and will direct you in order to promote safety and efficiency.
Parents are to remain inside their cars-please do not leave your car unattended. Parking is not allowed in the drop off/pick up lane. If you need to exit your vehicle, please park in a designated parking space.
Car line students will wait in the gym and exit through the double doors. Staff members will call students as their car arrives. Please display the name card on your visor or mirror to help our staff be efficient in calling students.
We want children to use the marked crosswalks to cross the streets to our school. Please help us model and encourage this behavior when you drop your child off or when you walk your child to school. For the safety of our students we recommend that all students walking home or to school do so with a friend or parent. This helps with “Stranger Danger” types of situations.